“I was at Elizabeth Baptist Church when you visited Atlanta. I was so thankful when I heard that you were going to share the message about hip-hop there. My wife and family brought alone several of my kids friends. After hearing about you coming I truly thought that the Holy Spirit had done a work in Bro. Oliver, we were wrong. However, we praise God for the one night, for we know that all things work together for the good for those that love God and to those that are the called to His purpose. Keep peaching the truth my brother. May God richly bless you, your family and the EX family”

-Min. Raven

“Just wanted to tell you how timely and necessary your message is about hip hop and its affect on the youth of our generation, I am a saved man who was indeed bound by the spirit of Holy Hip Hop, I dressed like the secular artists, and all and my justification for doing this was ok, I see the Holy Hip Hoppers doing this so Its ok for me to do it, after all I’m saved and in order to reach the streets you gotta be street……..boy was my spiritual eyes opened when i Got the meaning of your message, you broke me down when you answered the question, what do we listen to now?……..Just listen to God, turn off all music for awhile after your get this and allow God to minister to your Spirit and lead you in the right direction, we are to preoccupied with being entertained by t.v. radio, cell phones,newspaper, talk shows, no wonder we cant hear from God about spiritual things. thank you for being Gods vessel and allowing me to understand the importance of BEING STILL and knowing that he is God, Look forward to seeing you in August at NCBC in Columbus Ohio, God Bless”

-Ambass4Christ Columbus, OH

“God has truly blessed my ministry. About six months ago, someone approached me and was sharing about the ministry of Craig Lewis. I was very apprehensive at the time. About two weeks ago, a member of my church gave me the DVD of “The Truth Behind Hip Hop.” I wouldn’t even look at it. I was doing ok with my speaking engagements on Reaching the Hip Hop Culture. I felt that Brother Craig was too controversial. The Saturday before my youth service, I told myself that I would at least watch the video so that I can at least tell the young lady who gave it to me to review that I watched it. I thank God with all my heart for moving my spirit to watch this tape. Word cannot express the change and views I have in the assignment that God has entrusted with me. I asked God to forgive me for being so blinding in leading his youth. I showed it my youth and they were blown away. My son has made a choice, “his choice,” not to listen to hip hop. He told his mom that he tried to listen, but it made him sick. Praise God for your ministry!!!!!!!!!”

-Pastor Tony Westbrook – Center of Praise, Sacramento CA

“Hey i am from Cedar Hill Texas… and Min. G. Craige spoke at my school today, Trinity Christian School, I was so changed by his message on hip hop.. I never would have realized the problems with secular music!! I have trashed every cd and tape I own unless it is a Gospel one! I just want to thank Craige for the difference he made in our school. His message had such an impact on Trinity Christian School. I know that personally I plan to never ever go back to that kind of music.. I am also going to change the type of television i watch!! just wanted to say thank you SOOO much Craige!!! Come Back Soon!”

-Kristen Bentel – Trinity Christian School/Cedar Hill, TX