8 Comments on “Booking Request Form”

  1. Good evening,

    A few years ago I watched a video on the truth behind hip hop were you were talking about Beyoncé, not to my surprise the videos were taking it down and I cannot find it anywhere. I am wondering if these tapes are available for purchase and if so were can I purchase it. I would like to share this message with people in my life and I strongly believe in the messages you teach. Please let me know where I can purchase your series on the truth behind hip hop. Thank you.

  2. G. Craig will you be coming to Central Florida anytime soon? keep us posted! If not could you please plan to do so in the near future?

  3. Please consider coming to Central Florida area real soon my family and friends would love to hear you preach truth and we love how you explain God’s word and HIS will for the family structure and creation roles and the order of the home it is much needed.

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