Casting Your Cares 9

G Craige Lewis casting caresLeave a Comment

Dealing with family can be hard at times. Many of our cares can come from bad relationships with extended family and their negative opinions of us. We must deal with these issues or they may begin to affect our own families and our children. This message will help you handle … Read More

Casting Your Cares 8

G Craige Lewis casting caresLeave a Comment

God wants us to cast our cares on him, but many times we mistake sins that we are committing for cares. We cannot cast these on the Lord, but we must deal with sin and remove it from our lives. This message deals with the difference between what is a … Read More

Casting Your Cares 7

G Craige Lewis casting caresLeave a Comment

Childhood trauma can be the hardest care to cast on the Lord. Letting go of what was done to you at a young age can be difficult, especially when you have lost faith in certain loved one that did not protect you from it. This message goes deep into the … Read More

Casting Your Cares 6

G Craige Lewis casting caresLeave a Comment

Being betrayed by those close to you can birth trust issues. Many times it’s hard to get past this kind of hurt because the pain is so severe. But the bible gives us remedies for these types of cares. In this message, I deal with betrayal from loved ones and … Read More

Casting Your Cares 5

G Craige Lewis casting caresLeave a Comment

Casting your cares on God requires faith. Many of us claim faith in Jesus Christ, but when test and trials come, we doubt His very existence. We claim to believe in Him, but do not have the faith to do what He requires of us. This is not faith. Faith … Read More

Casting Your Cares 4

G Craige Lewis casting caresLeave a Comment

Are you living for God or for the opinions of others? Many believers today make bad decision after bad decision based on what others think of them. Some even neglect their spouses, children, and God given mandates just to look good in the eyes of others or to prove the … Read More

Casting Your Cares 3

G Craige Lewis casting caresLeave a Comment

Are we responsible for our excessive cares and woes? Are we adding things to our lives that should not be? Is what we are doing lining up with God’s creation role plan for us? DID GOD TELL US TO DO WHAT WE ARE DOING? These are important questions to ask … Read More

Casting Your Cares 2

G Craige Lewis casting cares1 Comment

Casting your cares on God is hard when we do not understand how to effectively do it. In this message, I give you steps to ensure that you are in the proper posture to cast your cares on God. These steps are important and must be implemented so that we … Read More