A Faithful Father

G Craige Lewis FathersLeave a Comment

A faithful father is faithful to his family no matter what happens. In this message, Pastor Lewis teaches how fathers are to remain faithful to God by being faithful to care for the needs of their families.

Sins Of The Fathers 3

G Craige Lewis Fathers1 Comment

Christ stands at the door and knocks, but He wants more than an open door. In this message, Pastor Lewis deals with Christ’s rebuke of the church and how we must hear His voice and receive what He is saying before He will come in to us.

Sins Of The Fathers

G Craige Lewis Fathers2 Comments

Many men today are suffering through the sins of their fathers. The mistakes and errors that many of our fathers made can become a challenge to us while trying to raise our own families. But we must move on from past error and mistakes that we or our fathers have … Read More