Letters To The Church Pt 7 – Laodicea

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Christ told the church at Laodicea that He would rather they be hot or cold instead of lukewarm. What does this mean and how does it relate us today? In this message, Pastor Lewis discusses the meaning of this popular saying and how to properly apply it to our churches.

Letters To The Church 6 – Philadelphia

G Craige Lewis Letters To The Church2 Comments

Though the church at Philadelphia was weakened by persecution, they kept the word of God and never strayed away from their faith. In this message, Pastor Lewis discusses this church and the reward that lies in store for all that keep the faith until the end.

Letters To The Church Pt. 4 – Pergamos

G Craige Lewis Letters To The Church2 Comments

False god worship was heavily situated in Pergamum. So, God planted a church there to fight against those that pledged their allegiance to these false mythological devils. In this message, Pastor Lewis shows how this correlates with the false god worship of today.

Letters To The Church Pt. 3 – Smyrna

G Craige Lewis Letters To The Church1 Comment

The Church At Smyrna was very poor financially. Even though they were poor, Christ said they were rich! In this message, Pastor Lewis teaches us that gain does not equal godliness and that a person can be poor financially but rich in faith!